• from raw dough containing killer ingredientsto cooked fish that'll turn you into a gibbering idiot, we count 15 quite harmful foods you'regonna find all over your house and kitchen 15 - microwave popcorn,• this only applies to the kind that comes pre-packaged and thrown into the microwaveto let pop into an inflated state • research shows the chemical used in certaintypes of these popcorn bags is linked to an increased risk of cancer, infertility anddisease in lab animals • it's highly recommended you instead makeyour own bag of popcorn - it's relatively easy, only takes around 5 minutes and won'tkill you, unless you happen to choke to death on a popcorn• that would be a shame
14 - potatoes,• these things contain a natural toxin called glycoalkaloids found in the leaves, sproutsand stems - and if allowed to build up over time, is potentially fatal• if you eat just 2 milligrams per kilo of your body weight in this stuff, you'llget cramps, diarrhea and headaches • eat between 3 and 6 milligrams and preparefor coma or death • avoid potatoes with a greenish tinge whereverpossible 13 - apples,• there's the old saying, "an apple a day helps keep the doctor away", but there's aneven older saying, "don't eat things that contain pesticide"• most mainstream apples are loaded with
pesticide unless you buy organically-grownapples, and the apple seed themselves contain a compound which breaks down into cyanide• of course, you'd need to eat dozens of apples, chew and digest all the seeds allin one afternoon before it does you any harm • so unless you, the viewer, are in fact,a horse - you should be safe 12 - coffee,• there's a variety of problems associated with coffee, including the story of the oldwoman from mcdonalds who spilled her coffee and suffered third-degree burns over 6% ofher body • if you have a heart rate problem or troublesleeping, coffee certainly won't help, and not to mention it'll stain your teeth justlike smoking
• and if you mistake your tea-bag for abag of rat poison, that'll just ruin your day11 - eggs, • there's a reason people tend not to promoteraw eggs in your traditional breakfast line-up, and that's because of a typical problem werefer to as salmonella • most raw eggs contain this, but the moreyou find in the egg, the higher your chance to get sick• it's recommended to put your eggs inside the fridge the moment you get home from buyinggroceries, and also make sure to cook the egg until the yolk looks firm - unless youjust want some time off work 10 - raw cookie dough,• you thought you could escape egg poison
by baking up some cookies? well tough shit- raw cookie dough contains uncooked eggs and therefore the risk of salmonella contamination;in fact, you likely used more than one egg so that dough will be laced with it• furthermore, harmful bacteria make their way into the uncooked dough be it from dirtybowls, unwashed hands, cutting board contamination or a combination of the above• if someone offers you a taste of some raw cookie dough, give them an unpleasantbonk on the nose 9 - processed meat,• the american institute for cancer research will tell you right off the bat that processedmeat will riddle you with health problems • the preservatives used to help this meatsustain its longevity is linked to cancer,
with higher rates of cardiovascular diseasefrom subjects that consistently eat processed food• they recommend if you can't live without hot dogs, chicken nuggets or the like to simplymake your own • or you can ignore what they say and notchange your diet even slightly 8 - hot dogs,• you might think, well, it's likely the processed meat and pure unhealthiness thatmakes them a dangerous food - but no • a hot dog is perfectly shaped to slidedown your breathing hole and choke you to death, which occurs more often than you think,especially in children 10 or younger • in fact, some health companies even suggestredesigning the hot dog to be less of a choke-hazard
• it's clearly evident here, with this trampolineexample that will allow the hot dog to bounce right back out of your oxygen tube7 - leafy greens, • you've always been taught that green foodis generally healthy, but in this case, there's a risk it'll get you violently sick• before you eat any of these leafy greens, be sure to wash and dry them with paper towels,unless the package claims to be pre-washed or ready-to-eat, then it should be safe• if you wash an already-washed green, you risk spraying it with the grime and feceson your kitchen counter 6 - jalapenos,• this only happens to a select minority of people, but the oils may actually irritateyour skin and cause it to swell up
• in this case it's recommended to weargloves while handling them, or at least use long tongs and a knife that can extend severalmetres • or just not use it and deal with havinga non-spicy salsa 5 - tuna,• nobody talks about this, but eating tuna on a regular basis can actually be bad foryou because of all the mercury that fish happened to absorb• if you've consumed large quantities of this on a regular basis, it'll slowly travelinto your brain and clog up all the pathways - it'll drive you insane and make you blubberbecause your brain is now a pile of melted goo• it is possible tuna was designed to transform
you into a brainless fish-person, but thisis pure unsubstantiated madness that has nothing to do with a conspiracy involving the governmentand marine life 4 - rice,• these contain a chemical known as arsenic, sucked up by rice roots from wet paddies,and it encompasses two types of arsenic • the organic kind found in earth, generallysafe, and the inorganic type left over from pesticides and fertilisers which increasethe risk of type 2 diabetes, bladder cancer, skin, lung and cardiovascular disease• it's recommended to not only eat rice as your only grain, but vary it up with others- and also try not to live in asia 3 - blender,• so you're eating a blender, and your tongue
catches on the sharp twirly bit• i'm not entirely sure how you made it this far in life2 - supermarket cashews, • if the package says "raw cashews", don'tbelieve it - all it means is they've been steamed to remove a chemical commonly foundin poison ivy • if the steam missed any of this chemical,all you need is a sufficiently high dose on a bad day and you'll be walking down shitcreek without a stomach pump • even worse is, if you're allergic to poisonivy, you won't get any warning - these cashews will kill you immediately - and that's notso fun 1 - raw meat• if you've ever taken a food handling class
like me then you'll already know that rawmeat is perhaps the deadliest food you can own• there are four steps you should always be aware of when preparing raw meat - first,wash your hands and wash the surfaces you plan to use - second, separate these meatsfrom other food because otherwise salmonella and e. coli will spread around your kitchenlike wildfire • three, cook at the right temperatures,high enough to kill all bacteria in the meat, but not so high that it burns the food• fourth, refrigerate the meat if you're not using it - it'll slow the growth of bacteriadramatically • and lastly, rub the chicken carcass allover your face and sneeze into it for good
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