voiceover: in this videowe're gonna learn about enzyme-linked receptors. like all cell membrane receptors enzyme-linked receptors receives signal from the environment and they instruct thecell to do certain things. like most, enzyme-linked receptors are transmembrane proteinsbut they are unique because in addition to receiving signals

from chemical messengers they also function as enzymes. binding of a signaling molecule activates the receptor'senzymatic activity. enzymes are a substance in our body that act as a catalyst which can speed up particularbiochemical reactions. enzyme-linked receptors are also called catalytic receptors.

over here i've predrawn apicture of our cell membrane. this is our phospholipid by layer. up top i'm gonna say this isour extra cellular environment and below is ourintracellular environment. this is inside our cell where our cytosol and all of our organelles are located. let's talk a littlebit about the structure of enzyme-linked receptors. the general structure ofenzyme-linked receptors are

shaped like this. up top here you can see there is a shape which can bind a ligand. this over here is ourligand-binding domain. this is our extracellular portion. down here, this half of the protein on the intracellular sideis our enzymatic domain. it's our functional domain. this is the part of theenzyme-linked receptor

that can act as an enzyme. when we have a ligand uphere and what it binds in. the extracellular side can bind a ligand which will cause the intracellular side to act as an enzyme. though there are many different types of enzyme-linked receptors, the most widely recognized and most common enzyme-linked receptors

are called receptor tyrosine kinases. they're particularly important because they regulate cell growth, differentiation and survival. they can bind and respond to ligands such as growth factors. these are also called rtks for short. the structure and function of rtks aren't really a mystery.

it really is writing the name. part of the reason why receptortyrosine kinases are unique is because they have tyrosine. if you go ahead and drawout a receptor like this. they're unique because tyrosine is on the intracellular enzymatic section. we can have tyrosine like this. now that we've addressed thetyrosine portion of the name what do you suppose a kinase means?

a kinase is a general term for something that has the ability to transfer phosphorus molecules. usually from a highenergy substance like atp. receptor tyrosine kinases have the ability to transfer phosphorus from atp to intracellular proteinswhich activates them. that's the enzymatic function of receptor tyrosine kinases

to transfer these phosphorus molecules. these proteins whichare now phosphorylated can carry out a messagethrough signal transduction. now let's talk a little bit in more detail about this particular process. we'll talk about why in a second but receptor tyrosinekinases occur in pairs. if you can find onereceptor tyrosine kinase you'll find another onethat's fairly nearby.

down here we have our tyrosine. out here we have our extracellular signal. now let's say that thissignal is now binding into that ligand-binding site. what's unique aboutreceptor tyrosine kinase is that these two pairsare gonna come together and act together. let's go ahead and draw these two pairs close together like this.

at this point, our ligand is bound. we have our tyrosine on the bottom here. when this signalingmolecule binds to an rtk they cause neighboring rtksto associate with each other forming what we call a cross-linked dimer. this new thing that's formedwhen these two come together is a cross-linked dimer. rtks need to act in pairs. now the reason why is because

cross-linking activates thetyrosine kinase activity in these rtks through phosphorylation. now these tyrosine are active and they can start getting phosphorus's. each rtk in the dimerphosphorylates the tyrosines on the other rtk. there aren't always two tyrosines. there usually are multiple ones. for the sake of clarity

i've only drawn in two though. this process of onephosphorylating the other is called cross-phosphorylation. if we have atp inside the cell these tyrosines will cause it to become adp with a phosphate group. this tyrosine molecule now that we have our cross-linked dimer is going to go ahead and pick up

this free floating phosphate group. now at a certain point each one of these, each one of the tyrosines are gonna get a phosphate group from atp. again, the reason whythey need to act in pair is because one receptor tyrosine kinase will phosphorylate the other one. once cross-phosphorylated, the intracellular cytoplasmic section

so the enzymatic section of these rtks serve as docking platforms for different intracellular proteins involved in signal transduction. once we have thesephosphorus's on the tyrosine different proteins can come by and attach themselves to them. for example, we couldhave one type of protein and we could also haveanother type of protein.

they don't have to be the same one. now the only thing that these proteins really need to have todock with the phosphorus is a special domainspecifically called sh2. this can bind to thesephosphorylated tyrosines. again, multiple differentsh2-containing proteins can bind at the same timeto any of these phosphorus. we've only drawn proteins on this one side but the same or different proteins

can also bind on the other side. this allows activationof multiple different intracellular signalingpathways at the same time. now after that, the signalingprocess can be really complex and often they can even end at the nucleus which affects gene transcription. here, now that we have our proteins bound we're gonna have our signal transduction so the signal's gonna passedon into to the cytosol

and ultimately this often ends in regulating gene transcription. which ultimately affectsthe production of proteins. what do rtks actually do in our body? enzyme-linked receptors in general have a variety of functions but receptor tyrosine kinase is again one of the most famous and most well-known enzyme-linked receptors,

and these are primarily known for their role in growth factors. such as in regulating surfaceproteins called ephrins which can help guidedevelopmental processes involved in tissue architecture, placement of nerve endings and blood vessel maturation. other growth factors including things like nerve growth factors andplatelet-derived growth factors

also use rtks. another thing that rtks are famous for is they can also bind hormones most famously insulin. now what happens when rtksfail to function properly? since rtks primarily regulate cell growth they can cause issues in the growth and differentiation of cellsif they're not working. in fact, because of this many cancers

involve mutations in rtks. for this reason, rtksare actually a target of many drugs that areused in chemotherapy. for example, the breastcancer drugs herceptin is an antibody that binds and inhibits a particular rtk that is over expressed in many different breast cancers. in summary, enzyme-linked receptors essentially turn anextracellular chemical signal

into enzyme activity inside the cell. specifically the most well-known of those are receptor tyrosine kinases. these are the largest andmost well-known group. the binding of a signalingmolecule with an rtk activates tyrosine kinase in the cytoplasmicsection of the receptor. this activity then can lodge a series of many differentenzymatic reactions,

it can bind different proteins which ultimately undergocomplicated signal transduction generally carrying thesignal to the nucleus which can then alter gene expression.

How to Block Breast Cancer's Estrogen-Producing Enzymes

voiceover: in this videowe're gonna learn about enzyme-linked receptors. like all cell membrane receptors enzyme-linked receptors receives signal from the environment and they instruct thecell to do certain things. like most, enzyme-linked receptors are transmembrane proteinsbut they are unique because in addition to receiving signals

from chemical messengers they also function as enzymes. binding of a signaling molecule activates the receptor'senzymatic activity. enzymes are a substance in our body that act as a catalyst which can speed up particularbiochemical reactions. enzyme-linked receptors are also called catalytic receptors.

over here i've predrawn apicture of our cell membrane. this is our phospholipid by layer. up top i'm gonna say this isour extra cellular environment and below is ourintracellular environment. this is inside our cell where our cytosol and all of our organelles are located. let's talk a littlebit about the structure of enzyme-linked receptors. the general structure ofenzyme-linked receptors are

shaped like this. up top here you can see there is a shape which can bind a ligand. this over here is ourligand-binding domain. this is our extracellular portion. down here, this half of the protein on the intracellular sideis our enzymatic domain. it's our functional domain. this is the part of theenzyme-linked receptor

that can act as an enzyme. when we have a ligand uphere and what it binds in. the extracellular side can bind a ligand which will cause the intracellular side to act as an enzyme. though there are many different types of enzyme-linked receptors, the most widely recognized and most common enzyme-linked receptors

are called receptor tyrosine kinases. they're particularly important because they regulate cell growth, differentiation and survival. they can bind and respond to ligands such as growth factors. these are also called rtks for short. the structure and function of rtks aren't really a mystery.

it really is writing the name. part of the reason why receptortyrosine kinases are unique is because they have tyrosine. if you go ahead and drawout a receptor like this. they're unique because tyrosine is on the intracellular enzymatic section. we can have tyrosine like this. now that we've addressed thetyrosine portion of the name what do you suppose a kinase means?

a kinase is a general term for something that has the ability to transfer phosphorus molecules. usually from a highenergy substance like atp. receptor tyrosine kinases have the ability to transfer phosphorus from atp to intracellular proteinswhich activates them. that's the enzymatic function of receptor tyrosine kinases

to transfer these phosphorus molecules. these proteins whichare now phosphorylated can carry out a messagethrough signal transduction. now let's talk a little bit in more detail about this particular process. we'll talk about why in a second but receptor tyrosinekinases occur in pairs. if you can find onereceptor tyrosine kinase you'll find another onethat's fairly nearby.

down here we have our tyrosine. out here we have our extracellular signal. now let's say that thissignal is now binding into that ligand-binding site. what's unique aboutreceptor tyrosine kinase is that these two pairsare gonna come together and act together. let's go ahead and draw these two pairs close together like this.

at this point, our ligand is bound. we have our tyrosine on the bottom here. when this signalingmolecule binds to an rtk they cause neighboring rtksto associate with each other forming what we call a cross-linked dimer. this new thing that's formedwhen these two come together is a cross-linked dimer. rtks need to act in pairs. now the reason why is because

cross-linking activates thetyrosine kinase activity in these rtks through phosphorylation. now these tyrosine are active and they can start getting phosphorus's. each rtk in the dimerphosphorylates the tyrosines on the other rtk. there aren't always two tyrosines. there usually are multiple ones. for the sake of clarity

i've only drawn in two though. this process of onephosphorylating the other is called cross-phosphorylation. if we have atp inside the cell these tyrosines will cause it to become adp with a phosphate group. this tyrosine molecule now that we have our cross-linked dimer is going to go ahead and pick up

this free floating phosphate group. now at a certain point each one of these, each one of the tyrosines are gonna get a phosphate group from atp. again, the reason whythey need to act in pair is because one receptor tyrosine kinase will phosphorylate the other one. once cross-phosphorylated, the intracellular cytoplasmic section

so the enzymatic section of these rtks serve as docking platforms for different intracellular proteins involved in signal transduction. once we have thesephosphorus's on the tyrosine different proteins can come by and attach themselves to them. for example, we couldhave one type of protein and we could also haveanother type of protein.

they don't have to be the same one. now the only thing that these proteins really need to have todock with the phosphorus is a special domainspecifically called sh2. this can bind to thesephosphorylated tyrosines. again, multiple differentsh2-containing proteins can bind at the same timeto any of these phosphorus. we've only drawn proteins on this one side but the same or different proteins

can also bind on the other side. this allows activationof multiple different intracellular signalingpathways at the same time. now after that, the signalingprocess can be really complex and often they can even end at the nucleus which affects gene transcription. here, now that we have our proteins bound we're gonna have our signal transduction so the signal's gonna passedon into to the cytosol

and ultimately this often ends in regulating gene transcription. which ultimately affectsthe production of proteins. what do rtks actually do in our body? enzyme-linked receptors in general have a variety of functions but receptor tyrosine kinase is again one of the most famous and most well-known enzyme-linked receptors,

and these are primarily known for their role in growth factors. such as in regulating surfaceproteins called ephrins which can help guidedevelopmental processes involved in tissue architecture, placement of nerve endings and blood vessel maturation. other growth factors including things like nerve growth factors andplatelet-derived growth factors

also use rtks. another thing that rtks are famous for is they can also bind hormones most famously insulin. now what happens when rtksfail to function properly? since rtks primarily regulate cell growth they can cause issues in the growth and differentiation of cellsif they're not working. in fact, because of this many cancers

involve mutations in rtks. for this reason, rtksare actually a target of many drugs that areused in chemotherapy. for example, the breastcancer drugs herceptin is an antibody that binds and inhibits a particular rtk that is over expressed in many different breast cancers. in summary, enzyme-linked receptors essentially turn anextracellular chemical signal

into enzyme activity inside the cell. specifically the most well-known of those are receptor tyrosine kinases. these are the largest andmost well-known group. the binding of a signalingmolecule with an rtk activates tyrosine kinase in the cytoplasmicsection of the receptor. this activity then can lodge a series of many differentenzymatic reactions,

it can bind different proteins which ultimately undergocomplicated signal transduction generally carrying thesignal to the nucleus which can then alter gene expression.

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