♪ (french music) ♪ - (finebros) so today you'regonna be reacting to this. - oh gosh. sushi. - sushi! it's sushi!!! - i love sushi. - i had this before. it's tasty. - i don't really like fish. - (finebros) what do you see?- i see rice. i see guacamole.
- crab meat and i think that's avocado. - it's a california roll. and a california roll is the onlykind of sushi i've ever had. - (finebros) we have fivedifferent kinds of sushi for you to try today. - that's gonna be fun. - oh my gosh, i know exactlywhat's gonna happen. you're gonna show me this sushi, and then you're gonna bringin some weird-tasting sushi
that no one ever wants to eat. - um... um... you're not gonna give me rolls? - there's an emoji for this. - now, i do not knowwhat this red stuff is, so that's the only fright that i have. - mm. crescent roll. - one, two, three. the only thing goodabout this is the rice.
- (grunts softly) (mouth full) i'll chew on this. ach! the rice is sticky! - it tastes like saltwater and chicken. - ah... (spits) ah-hah-hah! the pain, the pain! - (finebros) you just triedmaguro, or tuna sushi. - ewww. i really don't like tuna. - (intrigued) oh, it's tuna fish.
i kinda liked it. - it doesn't taste likethe regular tuna that i eat-- like, the one that's all brownand looks like cat food. - (finebros) okay, here's your next piece. - oh, what's that? people's logic these days,having silver fish. - that's the skin of the fish. no! - slimy. (retches) smells bad.
- (disgusted) oh! - you know what? i'm donewith this, these chopsticks. i can't really describe it,but it's just really good. - oh my gosh. (takes deep breath) uh-uh. - eh. i'm not taking another bite. - what is this? - (finebros) that was a piece of saba,which is mackerel sushi.
- oh. i've never heard of mackerel before. - i don't know what a mackerel is. - too salty! it's just makinga bag of salt chewy. - oh, this one has fish eggs. - this isn't fish. this is eggs. - i feel like i'm eating orbeez. - is this eyeballs? (stifled) water. (wheezes)
- (groans and coughs) - this is actually really good. - that tastes disgusting! ew! - it tastes really salty. - tastes like the worst fishin the whole entire world. - (finebros) in japan,they call this kind of sushi ikura, which is salmon eggs.- oh. (queasily) oh gosh. pretty sure it's evil.
- that's disgusting. i like salmon,but who eats their eggs? - it's not like any ordinary sushi. these people have gone creative. - (finebros) ready for your next piece? - i shall slay the beast! i shall not slay the beast. - it looks like raw chicken. - what is this? like, octopus? - is that a tentacle?
- this is definitely cooked eel. - this looks like eel. - (groans quietly) (gags) mm-mm. mm-mm. this tastes disgusting. - it's cooked fish. i like that. i liked it. - here goes nothing.
uh... [inaudible]. yeah. i bet you this is eel. - now, this is definitely eel. - (finebros) are you readyto see what you ate? - okay. - ew!!! is that an eel? - these look nothing alike. - (finebros) you just triedunagi, which is eel. - (laughs silently)
i just know this taste'cause i've eaten eel a lot. - i ate an eel. i don't thinki've ever seen anyone eat an eel. - how can something lookso bad but taste so good? - (finebros) now for the last piece. - yeah, that's why i want my eyes closed. - that's a fish tongue. i don't want to eat that. - of course the final onehas to be the most weirdest. - ew! it's all gummy and squishy.
- it feels slimy. oh, i don't want to try this. - it just looks weird, and i amnot comfortable eating it. - why am i doing this?i must be out of my mind! - (retches) ohhh. - (mumbling inquisitively) (mumbling disapprovingly) - mm-mm.
i thought this was actually gonna be good. - (finebros) look at what you ate. - aah! what is this? - (finebros) it's a sea urchin.- i can't believe i ate this! - a sea urchin? really? - (whispers) awesome. - oh whoa, it moved! i feel scared. - how did ariel ever live with you?
- (finebros) so which of thesedo you recommend? - the cooked eel. - the mackerel.it's probably the best one. - fish eggs. - mackerel. - the tuna one. it tasted good. - i recommend none of these. - the fish eggs one,
because i've already had it,and it was actually pretty good. if you do like it, high five. - thanks for watching us eatraw fish on the react channel. - what food should we eat next?tell us in the comments. - don't forget to subscribe. we have tons of new shows every week. - konichiwa! - bye, guys! i still don't getwhy people like sushi so much. ♪ (french music ends) ♪
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