cyrus: as soon as you employ this processyou start to see that you're able to eat much largerquantities of carbohydrate coming from fresh fruits and fresh vegetables for smaller insulinuse. i'll repeat that: more carbohydrate for lessinsulin. we just got back from one of out retreats. we hold these retreats a couple of times peryear. it'san opportunity for people with type 1 diabetes, type one-and-a-half diabetes, pre-diabetes,and type 2 diabetes to come together and learnabout the power of low fat plant based whole
foodnutrition for significant improvements in insulin sensitivity. we've held multiple of these retreats beforeand every single time, we're able to promote asignificant improvement in blood glucose values, a reduction in insulin use, and a reductionin insulin sensitizing oral medication. and we do it using the power of food. now at our latest retreat, we had a totalf 14 people living with diabetes -- 7 of whom were livingwith insulin dependant diabetes.
now in this article we're going to go intodetail about the results that each one of these people achieved inimproving their insulin sensitivity in as little as 4 days. that's right. we arrive on thursday, we're there all dayfriday, all day saturday, all day sunday, and you go home on monday. and you would think to yourself, "well, in4 days how much positive change can you really get inimproving your insulin sensitivity? take a look below at the results that eachone of our insulin
dependant diabetics achieved. now, let's go into a bit of detail here inunderstanding what is insulin sensitivity. in the world oflow carbohydrate nutrition, you'll be told over and over and over again in that the onlything that matters is how much insulin you're using perday. that's why all the literature out there isshowing you how to minimize your carbohydrate intake so that you can minimize your insulinuse. in the world of insulin sensitivity, however,your insulin use is just one variable. the othervariable which you have to take into account
is your total carbohydrate consumption. insulinsensitivity is defined as your total carbohydrate intake divided by your total insulin use ina span of 24 hours. and at this mastering diabetes retreat, whatwe do is we teach people how to migrate towards a low fat diet because assoon as you achieve a low fat diet, then the amountof carbohydrate that you can consume -- that your body can tolerate, that your digestivesystem and muscles and liver can metabolize -- startsto go up.
so that means less fat, morecarbohydrate. so as soon as you emply this process, youstart to see that you're able to eat much largerquantities of carbohydrates coming from fresh now out first retreat attendee attended theretreat eating 150 grams of carbohydrate in herprevious diet, and she used a total of 88.2 units of insulin, which means that her 24hour insulin sensitivity was about 1.7. during the retreat, we instructed her to increaseher carbohydrate intake while reducing her fat intake.
she was able to consume an average of 257grams of carbohydrate and her insulin use fell to 58.6units for a 24-hour insulin sensitivity of 4.4. so youcan see that her change in insulin sensitivity over this 4-day period was 258%. this is what happened in the first 4 days. imagine as soon as she returns to her normallife and continues this approach. her insulin use is likely to continue fallingand her carbohydrate intake
is likely to continue increasing as she controlsher blood glucose with more and more precision. now out second attendee increased her totalinsulin sensitivity by a total of 309%, and she didthis by increasing her carbohydrate intake only by about 50 grams per day. but as you can see,her total insulin use went from 50 units per day all the way down to 22 units per day. so whatthat means is that she's eating more carbohydrate, but she cut her insulin use in half in onlya 4- day period.
and as a result of that her total insulinsensitivity increased by a total of 309%. the third person increased her carbohydrateintake from an average of about 200 grams perday all the way up to about 300 grams per day, and in this process she also cut herinsulin use by 50%. you can see here she started out using a totalof 60 units per day, divided about in half between basal and bolus, and reduced it allthe way down to 30 units per day. as a result, sheincreased her insulin sensitivity by a total of 299%.
our next attendee increased her carbohydrateintake by twofold. in other words, she started toeat double the amount of carbohydrate that she ate when she previously came -- 208 gramsversus about 110 grams previously. as a result of that, her insulin use fellfrom 43.6 units per day all the way down to 27.6 units per day,giving her an increase in her total insulin sensitivityof about 162%. this gentleman increased his carbohydrateintake from 275 grams per day all the way up to 422grams per day, and in the process he was able to cut about 8 units of insulin off of hisstandard
baseline of 37 units per day. what that means is that his insulin sensitivitywent from a 7.4 all the way to a 14.4, which is a change of about193%. our next attendee increased her carbohydrateintake by about 50%. she went from about 100grams per day to about 142 grams per day. now you'll notice here that her insulin useactually slightly went up, and the reason for thatis simple. before she came to the retreat, she wasusing only basal insulin - zero bolus units per day.
in the retreat, we showed her how todecrease her basal use of insulin. and in the process, she found that she neededa little bit more bolus insulin. so her total insulin use actually climbedfrom 18 units per day to about 23 units per day. despite that slight increase in her insulinusage, her insulin sensitivity still went up. so in the first 4 days, she noticed about111% increase in her insulin sensitivity. so you can see in each of these situationshow adopting a low fat whole food plant based
approach makes significant changes in a veryshort period of time. now, each of theseattendees has gone back to their life, has gone back to their daily routine, but doneso by changing the food that they are eating andchanging their movement patterns according to whatthey learned while at the retreat. what you're looking at here is just the tipof the tip of the tip of the iceberg because this 4-dayperiod for a lot of individuals is just a launching point into a brand new lifestylethat leads to improved insulin sensitivity over the courseof time.
now we like to talk about the fact that thisis just biology. we understand the biology of diabetesand insulin resistance better than most people. and as a result of that, simply integratinga low fat plant based whole foods approach, we cansee dramatic differences in a short period of timethat then lead to dramatic differences in the long-term. now whether you're interested in participatingin a coaching program, showing up to one of ourretreats, or just doing this on your own, the world is your oyster.
keep in touch with us, let usknow how we can help you, and we hope that we can get the same results for you that yousaw for all the other retreat attendees. thanks for listening.
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