hey, guys, dr. berg here. i want to do a video on the most importantelectrolyte. let me explain what electrolyte is. if you ever take salt and put it in waterand dissolve it, it disassociates. the sodium and chloride disconnect and theybecome two separate minerals. that fluid is very electrically conductive. basically, electrolytes have to do with mineralsthat help conduct electricity in the body. they help with a lot of different things. as far as electrolytes, it would be potassium,sodium, magnesium, calcium, chlorides, all

those minerals. potassium, out of all of the electrolytes,is the one that we need in very large quantities. i was curious, why is that? why do we need the potassium in such largeamounts? i'm talking 4,700 milligrams to 6,000 milligramsevery single day. that's equivalent to 7-10+ cups of salad orvegetable every single day. that's a lot. that's odd to me. no one consumes that much.

let's go dig further on exactly why we needpotassium. there's something in the body called the sodium-potassiumpump. it's built in a little protein connected toan enzyme. it forms a whole enzyme on the surface ofyour cells. you have between 800,000 to 30 million ofthese little, tiny pumps. they're little generators that generate electricityto allow things to go through the cell. they take a lot of energy to work. in fact, 1/3 of all the food that you eat,the energy of 1/3 of your diet, goes to running those pumps.

you also have another pump in the stomachcalled the hydrogen potassium atpase. don't worry about the name, but it's basicallyanother pump that's build with potassium that allows you to create stomach acid to helpyou digest. these pumps also are in the muscles, they'rein the nervous system, and the pumps in the nervous system use about 60% of your body'scaloric intake of energy. in other words, these pumps are really criticallyimportant in exchanging nutrition, glucose, amino acids, and other minerals to allow themto transport in and out of the cell. potassium is essential for building the pumpsto allow these functions right here. they charge the cell electrically.

your cells have certain voltage that allowsthings to work and go in and out of the cell and create different energy. in fact, your energy that you have that controlsyour metabolism is controlled partly by this little pump. it charges the cell electrically. it gives you energy. it helps the muscles contract to relax becauseit allows calcium to go into the cell, as well. it controls the transport of calcium.

wow, interesting. if you're low on something in this pump andthese pumps aren't working, your calcium is not going to relax the muscle, so you'll getmuscle cramps from potassium, but it's really calcium, but we can't fix it by giving youcalcium. we have to give you potassium. i'll get more into that. the muscle needs this pump. the nerves to conduct electricity need thispump desperately. fluid, the transport of fluid, the hydrationof your body is controlled by this pump and

your overall physical energy. since potassium is so hard to get in the dietbecause people don't realize how much need and they're not eating enough vegetables,you can experience a set of symptoms that i'm going to describe to you and you mighthave some of these. number one, fatigue. fatigue can come from a potassium deficiencybecause if you don't have enough potassium, your cells, electrically, are going to beway, way, way down there. you can't pump anymore. that's why when people start eating more potassiumfoods, they have some more energy.

the problem is if you try to take a potassiumpill, it only is comprising about 40 milligrams, maybe 90 milligrams. you need 4,700 milligrams. you'd have to have a whole bottle. the pills are not going to work. plus, if you took that much potassium withoutthe other minerals, you can throw it out of balance. you want to get your potassium from food orfood concentrates. then we have energy fatigue.

we have muscle fatigue. if you go up a flight of stairs and you feellike your legs are really heavy or you don't have the endurance, that is a potassium deficiency. nerve, if the nerve is tired, your electricalimpulses won't work, so you have arrhythmias, you'll have an alteration in heartbeat problems,skip beats, atrial fib, [inaudible 00:05:16] electrolyte deficiency. fluid, fluid retention, swollen ankles. that's a potassium deficiency. what do doctors do?

they tell you to avoid salt. big mistake. you should increase potassium. then overall, just energy in the cell to workcorrectly. in the stomach, if you don't have enough potassium,you can't create the acid that you need to help digest protein and absorb other minerals. again, the potassium is needed for the stomach,the nerves, the muscles, for energy, for fluid, for hydration, all of these things. now that you know that, let's talk about howyou become deficient.

number one reason is you don't have enoughpotassium in the diet. you need to consume 7-10 cups of vegetableor salad a day to achieve this. i enhance this with food concentrates a lotof times if i can't get the quantity, and i use my wheat grass juice powder. i take a teaspoon of that, and that will giveme a blend of a lot of potassium and magnesium and a lot of other things to be able to spikethat sodium-potassium pump, to boost my energy, as well. vomiting, diarrhea will also create a deficiency. surgery, when you get a surgery, what happensis your potassium just dumps because of the

stress. that's why they always give you a potassiumiv because to replenish that potassium. stress will also decrease potassium. let me just grab this book right here, myfavorite ciba encyclopedia for endocrinology. we got right here, adrenal stress. right here, it creates potassium loss. it's stress create a loss of potassium throughthe urine. sugar creates a deficiency of potassium. why?

because insulin is the hormone that helpsyou absorb nutrients. it also causes everything to go into fat. if you have a problem with insulin, like insulinresistance, you can't pull glucose into the cell, and that's why your craving sweets,by the way, but, see, what insulin does, it only acts as a trigger for the sodium-potassiumpump to trigger the absorption of nutrients. that doesn't get triggered, so you can't absorbthings. by taking more potassium, you can actuallydecrease the need for insulin, and that's what i recommend for my diabetics. it's very difficult to fix diabetes withoutenough potassium, without enough vegetable.

if you have a lot of sugar, that'll depletepotassium. if you take potassium, it'll help with cravingsand decrease your need for insulin. diuretics, blood pressure, if you're low inpotassium, your blood pressure will go up, and you also have problems with calcium notmoving in the correct places. that's why the doctors give you a diureticto get rid of fluid, and they give you a calcium channel blocker for high blood pressure, butthey don't recommend enough potassium. there's so many people that consume enoughpotassium and their blood pressure comes down. diuretics will deplete your potassium. they get rid of electrolytes, your blood pressurestays high.

salt, sodium-potassium, they always work ina balance. the reason i'm not talking about salt is thatyour body will tend to conserve salt more than potassium and also people have a lotof extra salt in their diet, naturally just eat more salt than potassium, so they're rarelydeficient in salt. too much salt can deplete potassium. alcohol will deplete potassium. the last one is ketogenic diets, which isinteresting. you go on a higher fat, low carb diet, whathappens, you will deplete potassium. thus, the reason why i tell you to consumemore vegetable when you do a high fat diet,

so you can replenish the potassium and feelfine because a lot of times you'll dump a lot of water from losing a lot of fat, aswell, when you're burning fat or you might feel fatigued or you might feel constipated. by adding more potassium from the vegetable... it's not the fiber. it's potassium in that food that will helpflush you out and you keep the liver clean and help these pumps work a lot better. i just wanted to give you an idea of the mostimportant electrolyte, what it does in your body. that's what electrolytes do.

then also how you become deficient and whatyou need to do to correct this. hope this helped. i will see you in the next video.

The Importance of Dietary Supplements

hey, guys, dr. berg here. i want to do a video on the most importantelectrolyte. let me explain what electrolyte is. if you ever take salt and put it in waterand dissolve it, it disassociates. the sodium and chloride disconnect and theybecome two separate minerals. that fluid is very electrically conductive. basically, electrolytes have to do with mineralsthat help conduct electricity in the body. they help with a lot of different things. as far as electrolytes, it would be potassium,sodium, magnesium, calcium, chlorides, all

those minerals. potassium, out of all of the electrolytes,is the one that we need in very large quantities. i was curious, why is that? why do we need the potassium in such largeamounts? i'm talking 4,700 milligrams to 6,000 milligramsevery single day. that's equivalent to 7-10+ cups of salad orvegetable every single day. that's a lot. that's odd to me. no one consumes that much.

let's go dig further on exactly why we needpotassium. there's something in the body called the sodium-potassiumpump. it's built in a little protein connected toan enzyme. it forms a whole enzyme on the surface ofyour cells. you have between 800,000 to 30 million ofthese little, tiny pumps. they're little generators that generate electricityto allow things to go through the cell. they take a lot of energy to work. in fact, 1/3 of all the food that you eat,the energy of 1/3 of your diet, goes to running those pumps.

you also have another pump in the stomachcalled the hydrogen potassium atpase. don't worry about the name, but it's basicallyanother pump that's build with potassium that allows you to create stomach acid to helpyou digest. these pumps also are in the muscles, they'rein the nervous system, and the pumps in the nervous system use about 60% of your body'scaloric intake of energy. in other words, these pumps are really criticallyimportant in exchanging nutrition, glucose, amino acids, and other minerals to allow themto transport in and out of the cell. potassium is essential for building the pumpsto allow these functions right here. they charge the cell electrically.

your cells have certain voltage that allowsthings to work and go in and out of the cell and create different energy. in fact, your energy that you have that controlsyour metabolism is controlled partly by this little pump. it charges the cell electrically. it gives you energy. it helps the muscles contract to relax becauseit allows calcium to go into the cell, as well. it controls the transport of calcium.

wow, interesting. if you're low on something in this pump andthese pumps aren't working, your calcium is not going to relax the muscle, so you'll getmuscle cramps from potassium, but it's really calcium, but we can't fix it by giving youcalcium. we have to give you potassium. i'll get more into that. the muscle needs this pump. the nerves to conduct electricity need thispump desperately. fluid, the transport of fluid, the hydrationof your body is controlled by this pump and

your overall physical energy. since potassium is so hard to get in the dietbecause people don't realize how much need and they're not eating enough vegetables,you can experience a set of symptoms that i'm going to describe to you and you mighthave some of these. number one, fatigue. fatigue can come from a potassium deficiencybecause if you don't have enough potassium, your cells, electrically, are going to beway, way, way down there. you can't pump anymore. that's why when people start eating more potassiumfoods, they have some more energy.

the problem is if you try to take a potassiumpill, it only is comprising about 40 milligrams, maybe 90 milligrams. you need 4,700 milligrams. you'd have to have a whole bottle. the pills are not going to work. plus, if you took that much potassium withoutthe other minerals, you can throw it out of balance. you want to get your potassium from food orfood concentrates. then we have energy fatigue.

we have muscle fatigue. if you go up a flight of stairs and you feellike your legs are really heavy or you don't have the endurance, that is a potassium deficiency. nerve, if the nerve is tired, your electricalimpulses won't work, so you have arrhythmias, you'll have an alteration in heartbeat problems,skip beats, atrial fib, [inaudible 00:05:16] electrolyte deficiency. fluid, fluid retention, swollen ankles. that's a potassium deficiency. what do doctors do?

they tell you to avoid salt. big mistake. you should increase potassium. then overall, just energy in the cell to workcorrectly. in the stomach, if you don't have enough potassium,you can't create the acid that you need to help digest protein and absorb other minerals. again, the potassium is needed for the stomach,the nerves, the muscles, for energy, for fluid, for hydration, all of these things. now that you know that, let's talk about howyou become deficient.

number one reason is you don't have enoughpotassium in the diet. you need to consume 7-10 cups of vegetableor salad a day to achieve this. i enhance this with food concentrates a lotof times if i can't get the quantity, and i use my wheat grass juice powder. i take a teaspoon of that, and that will giveme a blend of a lot of potassium and magnesium and a lot of other things to be able to spikethat sodium-potassium pump, to boost my energy, as well. vomiting, diarrhea will also create a deficiency. surgery, when you get a surgery, what happensis your potassium just dumps because of the

stress. that's why they always give you a potassiumiv because to replenish that potassium. stress will also decrease potassium. let me just grab this book right here, myfavorite ciba encyclopedia for endocrinology. we got right here, adrenal stress. right here, it creates potassium loss. it's stress create a loss of potassium throughthe urine. sugar creates a deficiency of potassium. why?

because insulin is the hormone that helpsyou absorb nutrients. it also causes everything to go into fat. if you have a problem with insulin, like insulinresistance, you can't pull glucose into the cell, and that's why your craving sweets,by the way, but, see, what insulin does, it only acts as a trigger for the sodium-potassiumpump to trigger the absorption of nutrients. that doesn't get triggered, so you can't absorbthings. by taking more potassium, you can actuallydecrease the need for insulin, and that's what i recommend for my diabetics. it's very difficult to fix diabetes withoutenough potassium, without enough vegetable.

if you have a lot of sugar, that'll depletepotassium. if you take potassium, it'll help with cravingsand decrease your need for insulin. diuretics, blood pressure, if you're low inpotassium, your blood pressure will go up, and you also have problems with calcium notmoving in the correct places. that's why the doctors give you a diureticto get rid of fluid, and they give you a calcium channel blocker for high blood pressure, butthey don't recommend enough potassium. there's so many people that consume enoughpotassium and their blood pressure comes down. diuretics will deplete your potassium. they get rid of electrolytes, your blood pressurestays high.

salt, sodium-potassium, they always work ina balance. the reason i'm not talking about salt is thatyour body will tend to conserve salt more than potassium and also people have a lotof extra salt in their diet, naturally just eat more salt than potassium, so they're rarelydeficient in salt. too much salt can deplete potassium. alcohol will deplete potassium. the last one is ketogenic diets, which isinteresting. you go on a higher fat, low carb diet, whathappens, you will deplete potassium. thus, the reason why i tell you to consumemore vegetable when you do a high fat diet,

so you can replenish the potassium and feelfine because a lot of times you'll dump a lot of water from losing a lot of fat, aswell, when you're burning fat or you might feel fatigued or you might feel constipated. by adding more potassium from the vegetable... it's not the fiber. it's potassium in that food that will helpflush you out and you keep the liver clean and help these pumps work a lot better. i just wanted to give you an idea of the mostimportant electrolyte, what it does in your body. that's what electrolytes do.

then also how you become deficient and whatyou need to do to correct this. hope this helped. i will see you in the next video.

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